Monday, March 5, 2007

Kendall's Birthday!

Today is Kendall's birthday. Happy Birthday Kendall! This is my little sister. I was so impressed with her when I saw her at Christmas. She is way more of a grown-up than me or my bruther. I think she is holding two jobs and going to school full time. And not school for some lame degree in advertising, but in interior design at a big time art institute in Atlanta. I wish I had a picture of the last project I saw her complete. It was a model of this really cool home that she had to design and fabricate herself. I was super impressed. On top of all that, I think she cooks and cleans and generally maintains a home like you would expect from a Southern girl.

This is a picture she gave me at Christmas. It is her with her lover Brayden. And also the newest addition to the family, Murphy. Unfortunately, Murphy has some kind of strange skin disease.

The better gift she gave me at Christmas was a Bloc Party CD. They have a really kick ass drummer. Now she just needs to send me a copy of their new CD.


Anonymous said...

Bruther - you have to actually upload the photos. The url for the photo here is for your hard drive.

Yay! for Kendall. Happy birthday. Without a doubt, you are the best of the bunch.

Keith said...

Can you see them now? I can see them on my computer.

Anonymous said...

Yes - I see them.

And don't say "lover." I threw up in my mouth.