Saturday, March 3, 2007

Bobo Bildy

The best dog I have ever known is our Doberman, Hildi or Bobo Bildy. She has nothing but love to give everyone. And the love is unlimited. In this picture, Hildi is making herself at home at my Meemaw's house by claiming the kitchen table.

As long as I keep posting, there will be more images of the Bildster. This post though is more about my beautiful wife becoming a Veterinarian. She's in Vet school at WSU (sidenote: WSU just got finished beating #23 USC. woohoo, go Cougs!). Anyway, this is the email she sent me today:

these are some of the internal parasites that Hildi can get:
Toxocara canis- round worm that lives in the small intestine, transmitted via fecal-oral route, but the eggs must sit in the environment for 30 days before they become infected. Once ingested the larva travels to the stomach, migrates to the liver, migrates to the lungs, gets coughed up and swallowed back down to the small intestine where it lives the rest of it's life. This worm causes Visceral Larval Migrans in humans, mostly little kids that eat old poo.
Ancilostoma- hook worm that lives in the small intestine, transmitted via fecal oral route or it can penetrate the skin and migrate to the guts. It causes diarrhea and can kill young puppies. This worm causes Cutaneous Larval Migrans and is the reason why dogs aren't allowed on beaches (dog poos on beach, 2-8 days later the eggs hatch and latch onto people walking around with bare feet, they penetrate the skin and migrate around looking for a home)
Dirofilaria- Heartworm, lives in the heart, transmitted by mosquitoes, difficult to treat

Little kids eat old poo?

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