Monday, March 23, 2009

Hildi and Beagle Communication

Every now and then I open the window in the living room facing the front yard and road in front of the house. I don't like to do it often, because the dogs go nuts anytime a dog walks by, which occurs like 6 or 7 times a day.

Something else strange happens as well. Hildi will flat out attack the beagle with full hackles up, growling, and teeth to bare. I have also noticed this when walking the dogs and we come across another dog. Everything is fine with Hildi playing with the other dog, until the beagle starts barking. That sets Hildi off and she attacks the beagle. She has yet to draw blood, but she definitely pins the beagle down and many times punches her in the face. There are other times when the beagle barks, like at people or birds or at other unseen dogs barking from somewhere in the neighborhood. Hildi does not attack the beagle in these circumstances.

So I guess Hildi feels she needs to show other dogs her dominance over the beagle to other dogs. Either that or the beagle is trying to tell the other dogs to join her in a fight to bring down the Doberman once and for all.

I'm not sure of the reason, but it is really embarrassing when I meet people on the trail and my dogs inevitably starting fighting with each other pretty hardcore. I've also noticed that the other dogs look at them like they are insane as well.

To confuse things I attached a picture of Beagle attacking Hildi, and Hildi just jumping around and probably laughing it up.

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